Why did I watch such a bad movie?
28 July 1999
This was the worst movie I have ever seen. I have never walked out on a movie and I never plan to. I watched this movie right to the end and I swear that my T.V. was almost going to shatter into tiny pieces. C.H.U.D. 2 is not even close to the original movie. The government is producing CHUD's for war. CHUD's eat or nibble on any living creature and then that creature becomes a CHUD. It's sort of like a disease. CHUD's are soo stupid as well. If a rocket scientist get chewed on by a CHUD, it becomes a CHUD with no brain. CHUD's have no brain and that is also why this movie is so stupid. The two main characters are two big sterotypes of people. One's a slacker and overacts his part and the other is a nerd and is way overdone. In the movie these two main character's brake into a secret government facility and steal a body with no one knowing about it. This is a secret facility yet two boys steal a large frozen body and walk out the front door with it. Did anyone see them? I guess not. So stupid. Save your energy, money, time and effort and just smash your T.V. and VCR ahead of time so you won't have to watch this stupid movie.
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