Saved by the Bell (1989–1992)
My 10 favorite episodes
29 November 2000
SBTB is classic TV. Don't be surprised when it shows up at Nick at Nite in a few years. That being said, here are my 10 favorite episodes:

10. Zack becomes Principal and has to defend the football team when Kelly, who is a teacher for a week, fails them in history.

9. Kelly's little sister falls for Zack and Zack acts like a nerd in order to let her down easy.

8. The 2 parter where Jesse's dad gets married and they all go to a beach resort somewhere...

7. The most heartbreaking episode yet where Kelly dumps Zack for her boss Jeff at the dance where they are dressed up as Romeo and Juliet.

6. Kelly and Zack, Lisa and Screech, and Jesse and Slater become married in a class project. Lisa and Screech get divorced because she is allergic to him.

5. Screech tutors Kelly and falls hard for her. This one contains the classic line where Screech calls Mr. Belding a melonhead.

4. Zack uses subliminal messages to get Kelly to ask him to the dance and to have Mr. Belding lessen his punishmesnt. "Zack Morris is a good kid. Zack Morris is a blond Tom Cruise." Indeed.

3. Zack and the gang get drunk at a toga party and smash up Lisa's car.

2. Zack and the gang form Zack Attack and their career rise and fall is narrated by Casey Kasem.

1. Jesse takes caffeine pills in order to study for math and to rehearse for the dance act. This is a FANTASTIC episode. "I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I'm so.... SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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