Review of Rescue 911

Rescue 911 (1989–1996)
14 September 2004
I started watching Rescue 911, when I was younger. Now that I am a mom, my kids (well my 11 yr old daughter, my 3 yr old son doesn't care too much) & I think it teaches what can happen if you do this, or how to prevent something from happening, to begin with. I even watched an episode where a boy gave CPR, to someone, he knew, and he had learned it from watching the show. It saves lives!! They show a variety of accidents, babies coming early, people getting sick and they quit breathing, police chases, and even break ins. I remember hearing only 3 stories of where someone died. One was the Guadalupe River story, where the teens drowned, when the bus was over consumed in flood water (some lived, but some did die sadly), 2 teens sniffed paint and one died, and a man tried to save a drowning victim, and he died (the man attempting the rescue). However, they are so many happy endings!! They should have kept it longer, but glad they show reruns!
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