Doctor Doctor (1989–1991)
I, too love this series & watch my old, crummy VHS copies. Does anyone know if it will air in the future?
14 November 2003
Along time ago when I wasn't as good with my VCR as now, I taped a lot of these shows. Probably at least 30 of them. They were recorded off regular TV (not cable) at the slow speed - and look like it. But, I still drag them out about once a year to watch and just crack up.

Why doesn't some "TV Executive" (whatever) pull these and air them again? I realize 15 - 20 years ago they were ahead of their time (gay brother; a reviewer of plays with HIV, etc.) but I think the 'general' public has caught up by now.

Maybe it could be slipped in between, i.e. the 3rd hour of news about the rain in Los Angeles and one of the five zillion reality shows!

Or, release the entire series on DVD - I'd pay up to $250 - ANYONE ELSE?
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