Review of The Bear

The Bear (1988)
A movie that really cares about animals
23 June 2000
The movie really cares about animals as the movie portrays them in a light that only an animal lover would. I should know because I love animals. Perhaps the most telling thing about the movie is it almost made from the viewpoint of a bear. The humans are part of the plot and are not the plot itself. The movie avoids two mistakes all animal movies seem to fall prey to(pun intended): silly talking animals or animal melodrama with significant roles for people. The score is perfect and the closing scene is nothing but heart warming and fulfilling.

As a scientist and as a thinking sentient being, the movie portrays bears in the same way science is beginning to. Feeling and maybe maybe thinking. The only difference between us and them is a matter of degrees (speech, tools).They have feelings and thoughts as well.

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