29 September 1999
SUCKED BIGTIME. The plot was a total rip-off from Terminator. And they just threw in some junk about the queen of the sea. Some scenes were completely unnecessary to the plot, thin as it may be. Additionally, if stealing someone else's plot wasn't enough, they had to lift scenes and actual LINES right out of it. That's really low. Although, if you're a person who likes to watch bad movies, this is the movie for you. The acting is horrible. Terrible. Cheesy. The rest of the movie is just plain unrealistic. That lady terminator person never has to reload. Ever. And where does she get all that ammo anyway? The director does a poor job of molding the queen of the sea story in with the terminator story. I mean, one minute you're watching some woman run away from another person who is out to kill her, for some ridiculous reason. Then you see the same deranged woman getting tortured by sea snakes...?? What is up with that? Bottom line: this movie isn't worth burning the calories to stick it in your VCR. Leave
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