Boring Character Study of Obnoxious Vain Stupid Girl
2 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I seem to be the odd one out on this movie. This is a coming of age movie about a girl whose irritating manner, self-absorption, obnoxiously rude attempts to shock those around her, and licentious behavior are all apparently excused because her mother died.

Because her mother died, she is cruel toward her father and sweet sister.

Because her mother died, she is an exhibitionist.

Because her mother died, she is promiscuous.

Because her mother died, she curses to shock others.

Because her mother died, she has no interest in any work, and in fact deliberately upsets every workplace.

Because her mother died, she is very rude toward any customer.

Because her mother died, she performs strip teases in public.

Because her mother died, she is vain, constantly asking others to flatter her.

Because her mother died, she is insulting toward anyone with whom she works or serves.

*spoiler* We root against her throughout the film - perhaps most over her failure to allow the father to share the child she has by a man whose initial lust has turned to caring, thus condemning her child to a one parent family. ("It's all mine" are her last words in the film - and could be her motto).

But you see, her mother died some years before. This is why she has no redeeming qualities. Her lack of intelligence, her humorless attempts to shock, her rudeness - her hateful behavior toward her sweet little sister - it's all because she's confused because her mother died.

Thus, she gives no one in the film (or the audience) any reason whatsoever to like her. But that's due to the fact that her mother died.

Emily Lloyd does give a bravura performance - it is rare for the complete self-absorption, the absence of intelligence, the gross conduct to be displayed in so believable a way in one person. Yet you DO feel as if you have met and despised this girl in your own life.
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