Video Violence (1987 Video)
The 2nd best indie movie ever! Simply Amazing! RENT IT NOW!
30 January 2002
when I first bought Video Violence from a 1.99$ bin, I wasn't sure if I was getting something great, or just a piece of crap. It ended up being the latter. I was awestruck by the beauty of such a creation. Someone created this movie (not a film i guess, since it's shot on video), and actually believed they were creating something to be enjoyed. Well, I enjoyed it, but for probably completely different reasons than the creators had in mind. Really, if you get down to it, the acting sucks, the cinematography blows and the dialogue is cheezy/random and irrelevant. The town that they are living is referred to by the characaters by four different names in the movie! Brilliant! HOWEVER, that does not necessarily make it a bad movie. On the contrary, it is in my opinion one of the greatest movies ever made. There are so many great moments, and so many great lines that fill up this movie that I find it almost impossible to not enjoy this Video Gem.

Video violence was shot completely on video, and it seems as though it was put together with a classic amiga video toaster. If you ever find this movie for sale somewhere, you should definitely pick it up, (or tell me where it is) because it is a rare find. I have personally only ever seen one copy of it in my life. It is for sure worth any amount you can pay for it.

Video Violence is a great movie, and is worth a look by anyone. I've watched it literally dozens of times, and it does not get old. ever.
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