A Vietnam-War film that doesn't take itself to serious.
29 September 1999
This film has about all of what one would expect from a film about "a lone hero in the Vietnam-War", but where many of the other films in this genre is so damned serious, this film is somewhat refreshing by being a little less serious in its approach, without falling for the temptation of being a complete parody or even a comedy.

As one could expect there are a lot of shootings and explosions, stabbings, (no throat-cuttings), classic ambush-scenes borrowed from other films, Russian villains (of both sexes), a treacherous American Officer - courageous villagers, cute children and a Frenchman (that later on are brutally massacred by the Vietcon's) - torture of American POW's and the hero escaping from a Vietnamese POW-camp. And as it is said at the end of the film:

"Any similarity between persons living and dead .... especialy dead .... is purely accidental .... yeah, very accidental, like one in a million - maybe".

Perhaps this film isn't remarkable in an artistic sense, but personally, I would rather see this film 4 times, than I would see "Rambo" twice.
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