Surprisingly good little thriller.
21 August 2000
I must admit that I have avoided seeing this movie for years. I simply was NOT interested in the premise (even though I LOVE slasher flicks), mostly because the film was recomended to me by dolts and imbeciles. However, I caved in to temptation last night and rented The Stepfather, and you know what? It's actually pretty good.

I mean, this is NOT a great film... in fact there is one point in the movie where I am convinced that I saw absolutely the WORST acting in a major film outside of Battlefield Earth... but it is fun. Terry O'Quinn is decent as the title character. The rest of the cast works relatively well and the story is somewhat engaging. The plot works right up until the end, it maintains a certain engaging quality that keeps you from nodding off inappropriately. The end is not that great, but I have seen worse.

Overall, I enjoyed myself, which is alot more than I thought I would do. While I can't recommend this film for everyone, I can say with honesty that it will be well worth whatever 1/5 of a 5-pack is in your local video store. Enjoy.
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