No "Party", just "Slumber"....
30 November 1999
This is my good deed for the day.

DO NOT watch "Slumber Party Massacre II". I'm begging you, do anything else but. If it's a nice day, go and take a walk. Bad day? Stay in and read a good book, watch TV, build a model car. ANYTHING.

This movie is bad. Way bad. Beyond the valley of the bad. Bad to the bone, marrow and nucleus. There is absolutely not one single reason for this movie to have been made, exist, certainly none for watching it now and definitely none for watching it later.

The girls can't act (par for the course in this genre), the policemen who show up are named Kruger and Voorhies (excuse me - ha, ha, ha.) and the killer is a textbook example of creating one of the worst killers in history.

He's a bad hybrid of Jason, The Fonz and Elvis. Complete with a Gibson outfitted by Black and Decker, he drills his victims as he plays a bad song on his guitar o'death, cracks a one-liner any jaded horror movie fan would turn their nose up at, then disappears. Whoever this actor, Atanas Ilitch, is, I hope he thought better of his acting prospects after this movie and either dropped out of show business or changed his name and started choosing projects better.

Bernard stars as one of the hapless girls and the less said of this ex-"Wings" star's involvement in a slice-and-dice feature, the better.

And can ANYONE, anyone on this planet we call Earth, explain the ending? Anyone, who isn't on heavy medication? If you think you can, maybe you should because no matter how you slice this one, it's still baloney.

No stars. It's a "Massacre", all right. This one killed 75 minutes stone cold dead.
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