Review of Pandemonium

Pandemonium (1987)
Terrible Troma Twaddle
8 February 2002
The obvious stylistic (if that's the word) influence on this fiasco is the Troma school of low budget schlock but the level of talent on display is more that of the monumentally untalented Edward D. Wood Jr. The screenplay quickly loses its way through the absurd plot lines and just piles scene on scene in the hope that it will somehow work. It doesn't. The plot threads involve such inanities as Nazi lesbians, dingo girls, and a wheelchair bound megalomaniac harridan. To have any chance at all of raising a laugh it needed a director with his tongue firmly in his cheek. Haydn Keenan instead had his head firmly up his ass and we end up with about a dozen sniggers and not one laugh.

Male lead David Argue gives easily the most embarrassing performance of his career, but can perhaps claim it as a crime of passion since he was reported at the time to be romantically entangled with female lead (and Australian Playboy Playmate) Amanda Dole. Her acting career came to a screeching halt with this performance. Towards the end of the film she was crucified which turned out to be good preparation for the reviews.
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