Light of Day (1987)
underrated movie that deserves a second viewing
30 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has really received undue negative ratings. With rocker Joan Jett in the cast, I'm sure most people were expecting a fun rock and roll movie. Instead we got a somber movie about forgiveness and reconciling with the people you love. Jett may not be perfect, but she certainly isn't the hack of an actress that this film's detractors make her out to be. I thought she brought a blue collar sensibility and realism to the part. Also, Jett and Michael J. Fox were portraying members of a bar band. If you expected them to sound polished and professional, you really missed the point. The story may have moved slowly at times, but I found it to be quite original. Although the mother died, I don't see what's so cliche about it. The tension between Gena Rowlands and Jett was quite believable. I liked that is wasn't sugar-coated. If this movie had been sugar-coated a bit, I'm sure the ratings would have been higher and I'm sure it would have made more money. However, I don't think it would have been as good of a film. Give it another chance.
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