The Park Is Mine (1985 TV Movie)
Slightly implausible...
26 March 2001
Like many of the Reagan era action movies, it is rampantly xenophobic, incrediably incoherent, and in no way grounded in reality. Tommy Lee (not the hair band drummer)plays a Vet who takes over central park to generate sympathy for the forgotten soldiers of that war. A noble sentiment, but a man would have to be completely out of his gourd to attempt that...its not like the park has a series of fortified bunkers and a moat around it!!! The most insane plot twist (no one is in suspense about this piece anyway) is that the "authorities" hire two Asian assasins to take out the hero. What the $%^#$^! is that all about? It is just one of the many warped plot contrivances that earn this work a lofty six on the Tango and Cash scale of implausability. Forgive the spelling.
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