The Parent Trap II (1986 TV Movie)
22 July 2003
I've always had a soft-spot for this movie. I can't remember a time when I didn't know the original "The Parent Trap." My father is so in love with Hayley Mills that I just barely escaped being named Hayley - in fact, if you want the truth - had my last name not also begun with an "H" it's very likely that it would be my name.

Anyway, growing up with a father who is THAT devoted to Hayley Mills, there's no way I could avoid watching this. I saw it the first time it came on in 1986, when I was four years old. No, it's not as good as the original, but I always liked it. It's really cute. The script is well-written. Yes, it borders on the ridiculous, but - HELLO - you want to tell me that "The Parent Trap" doesn't? Nah, they're both unlikely stories, held together by the wonderful Hayley Mills.

Tom Skirrett does a wonderful job, and as a child of the '80s, I can't help but mention the two young stars who actually do turn in wonderful performances. First there's little Brigette Andersen - a beautiful little girl (those of us who were kids in the '80s will remember her as Gretel from Faerie Tale Theatre) who sadly, passed away in 1997. And then there's sweet Carrie Kei Heim - who will always be best known to me as Cornelia in "Santa Claus." A spunky red-head who's surprisingly, a very good actress - even if she does look nothing like Hayley Mills. Well, despite its 1980s-made-for-TV-look (there's even a reference to Ralph Macchio - God save us!) I still love this movie, and I always will.
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