Review of Luxo Jr.

Luxo Jr. (1986)
Undoubtedly the best computer animation ever created.
2 October 1999
The first time I saw this animation I was young and laughed and found it funny and filed it away as another cool animation. However, the second time, and the third time, and the fourth, fifth and sixth and seventh etc, times that I saw this animation was as an adult and a computer animator, and only now do I fully comprehend the genius involved in it's creation.

The first amazing thing about it was that it was done in 1986 when computer animation was in its infancy, and yet it still stands up to and surpasses all of the current great computer animations even with todays far superior technology and far more experienced computer animators.

However, the most amazing thing, and where the genius of John Lasseter lies, is in the fact that without dialogue, without any facial expressions, without voices, and without music he has somehow managed to create totally alive and believable characters. After watching this animation there is no doubt in the audiences minds that one lamp is a caring mother and the other is a curious child. The entire character generation is done purely through the movements of the lamps and the sounds of the squeaks and thumps the make as they move and bounce.

Anyone with any interest in becoming an animator of any type really should see this animation to see how it should be done, and everyone else should make it effort to see it as well just because it really is brilliant.

10 out of 10.
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