An entertaining Scottish film. Really.
28 October 2002
I saw this film years ago, taped it from TV and watched it over and over. I wait patiently for some distributer to produce 'Restless Natives' on DVD so that it can, once more, be a part of my collection.

Onto the film: it is rare that you see a Scottish film that is entertaining, doesn't have actors forcing their accents and actually makes you think "being Scottish isn't so bad" - this film actually fits the bill.

It takes the old "Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid" formula, transplants it into Scotland, and provides non stop entertainment - you may even be inspired to wear a clown mask and rob tourist buses whilst becoming Scotlands greatest tourist attraction too; it can be that inspiring.

Other reviews state that this film has a weak ending, however I feel that there was nowhere else for the film to go; this statement in itself doesn't make too much sense until you have seen the film though.

All in all, an enjoyable film that will bring a smile to most faces and perhaps even relight the fire of Scottish patriotism. You may even enjoy the "Big Country" soundtrack.
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