The movie that makes "Plan 9 from outer space" look like a masterpiece!
4 March 2002
Norwegian film industry is known for terrible movies. When it teams up with Soviet film industry the result is already given. The movie is about a Russian boy who gets kidnapped by Norwegian vikings. The vikings think he means good luck and after some time he sort of becomes one of them. The main plot is this boring love story between him and a girl. They can't have each other because she is meant to marry someone else etc.etc. But the funniest thing about this movie is the complete lack of directing, complete lack of acting skills, and the artificial way ALL the dialog is spoken. The battle scenes are just hilarious. It looks like the actors are just doing what they feel like, and that they have been given no instructions at all. For example there is a scene where a character gets hit in the back with a sword, but since he is not meant to die there, absolutely nothing happens!

In the movie Ed Wood, Johnny Depp as Ed Wood says "Perfect!" after every scene shot, even when there are a lot of errors in the scene. That must be exactly the way this movie has been made. If you want a really fun time: Watch this and laugh!!
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