Totally awesome, for sure!
19 August 2004
Yes, it's a B-movie. Yes, it's a zombie-ish movie. Yes, it's about the end of the world. But it's the mid-eighties, so everything is totally awesome, for sure!

This is one of my favorite horror flicks. There's something about two teenage valley girls from L.A. being the only survivors (well, there are a few others) of an unexpected mass-extinction flyby of a comet, that makes you love this film. It's fun, has a few jumps, and tons of one-liners. It's one of those films that if you watch it more than once, you'll be quoting lines from it. It's all just good fun.

Sadly, I think I've seen this film more than any other film in my life. This used to be my guilty pleasure: I watched this almost every other day for a year when I was a kid and I used to know every line. I just recently watched it after a decade-long absence and I still love it every bit as much.
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