The Stag at Eve had drunk its Fill..,
17 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers

It was films like this one that overwhelmed Americans in the early 80s. Along with Picnic at Hanging Rock and Breaker Morant, wave after wave of Aussie films broke on America's less than Fatal Shores.

The plot briefly: Bruno Lawrence is an Aussie trail bum who wanders to a farm run by a man who fancies himself the curator of a Stag Ranch. Bruno performs ranch work. The daughter of the owner strikes his fancy. By turns he learns that the mother is an invalid confined to a wheelchair. Gradually we discover that in addition to seeing to the breeding of the doe herds that are shepherded about by the Stags on the Ranch, the owner is seeing to the sexual needs of his own domestic charge: to whit, his daughter.

Naturally, we are appalled. The Film crosscuts scenes of wild deer encountering one another in high dudgeon in the forest. And then there are the encounters of the man and his daughter in the bedroom. The comparisons are so highhanded and outrageous it puts the film over the top where every Aussie film belongs.

Bruno eventually saves the damsel of course. But there is this bit of Aussie dialogue somewhere in the mix.

Rancher to Bruno: "Stay away from me Stags, and me Daughter!"

It isn't a great film but its a ripping theme. I recommend it highly.
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