As for a horror movie, this one delivers.
19 February 2000
I'm a firm believer that horror movies should be judged as horror movies, and not compared when reviewed to films such as The Godfather, and as far as horror films go, this one could easily be the Godfather of em all. Following closely in the tradition of the previous three Fridays, The Final Chapter places Jason smack dab in the middle of two isolated cabins deep in the woods, one occupied by a group of fun loving teenagers and the other by a peaceful lakeside family. Well of course the violence and gross fun is plenty, but what really sets this film apart from a lot of horror flicks and almost all of the Friday the 13th films is it's tone, quality and over all entertainment level. Director Joseph Zito has a sharp eye for detail and Splatter Master Tom Savini sure does send Jason out with a bang. Of course this ended up NOT being The Final Chapter, unfortunately it should have been. After this entry the series really started to go down hill. If your in the mood for a good old fashion 80's slasher flick, this one's for you.
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