This was supposed to end the Friday series once an...
16 July 1999
This was supposed to end the Friday series once and for all. Instead, this one made more money than they predicted and they kept on making sequels. However, this is the final chapter for the series for a few reasons. Jason isn't dead until this one. At least, that's my opinion. In this one, he's still sort of human and bleeds from time to time. This is also the last of the series to look like it was shot by a home movie camera in the ‘70's. But, hey, isn't that part of the charm of these movies?

The movie starts off pretty cool, with a recap of the Jason legend and flashbacks from previous movies. The movie starts off immediately after Friday 3 ends. Jason's body is taken to the morgue where he isn't really dead and lots of people die. Jason makes his way back to Crystal Lake. Twelve years old Tommy and virginal teen Trish live on Crystal Lake with their mother. (Don't they get bored out there though? To me Crystal Lake has always looked boring, not to mention the fact that their phones probably don't work.) Anyway, a bunch of teens are vacationing next door and Jason has people to slaughter! Let the body count begin! Oh yeah, there's also this hunter who is out to kill Jason for killing his sister. Guess what happens to him? Tommy and Trish are left to live and Tommy shaves his head trying to look like young Jason hoping that Jason will think that Tommy is him (or something) and that way Tommy can kill Jason. Jason is really dead in this one and Tommy winds up a little crazy. This one is more of the same but it's definitely an improvement on Part 3. For one thing, there are not zero, not one, but TWO, count them TWO real actors in this movie. Corey Feldman (from the classic `Goonies' and the even classicker `Stand By Me') plays young Tommy, a kid obsessed with video games and horror movies. Let's not forget Crispin Glover (George McFly from the `Back To The Future' series and also `River's Edge', `Wild At Heart' and other weird movies) as `Jimbo.' Corey and Crispin alone make the movie worthwhile. Crispin's dancing is just so bad it has to be seen to be believed. When Corey goes psycho and starts hacking Jason to pieces, it's really cool. I have no idea what sets him off, but boy is he one pissed pre-teen! It's really a shame Corey wasn't in any of the sequels (not counting his cameo in A New Beginning).

My Favorite Death: Corkscrew Through Crispin Glover Grade: B
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