Strange Brew (1983)
Mostly un-funny 1 and 1/2 hour stretch...
28 June 2002
1st watched 6/28/2002 - 3 out of 10(Dir-Dave Thomas&Rick Moranis): Mostly un-funny 1 and 1/2 hour stretch based on a typical 5-minute sketch on the old SCTV comedy program. The best parts of this movie are the beginning and the end when they're doing their "Great White North" TV show which is what they probably should have stuck to. This is one of the many example of comedy skits that don't hold up for a whole movie. There are "some" funny spots, but mostly we are subjected to a laughable storyline and Bob & Doug coming out to be the goofball heroes in the story. What else is new? Take off, you hosers, and please don't make another movie(stick to the TV shows they're funnier).
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