Omaha survives a nuke!?!
12 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS!!! Here comes David, hero from Image of the Beast, and ready to go all the way to destroy the UNITE government! He even upgrades from calculators to computers in this one! So, yeah, what we have here basically is the quest for David, a religious snob/guerilla crusader, to get to some cave where the new Christians will be safe from the second coming of Christ. Along the way, he picks up some women--but he doesn't hit on them, no way, he's asexual or something--and tells a girl she could drop dead in front of him by having a brain clot--and dodges bullets by dancing in front of two helicopters. Oh, and they have to get from Nebraska to New Mexico (after David cracks a code in three seconds) and on the way they go through Omaha. Now, supposedly Omaha was nuked two days before, but now it's totally safe to walk around and all the residual radiation has subsided. The trees are all green. Grass grows happily between cracks in the sidewalks. Buildings and streets are completely intact--even the glass in storefront windows isn't broken. The only signs that a nuke may have hit two days before are some skeletons in the street. I love it! And what's better? Jerry is back! Diane is gone, sadly, but Jerry is around and doing well--this time with a normal moustache--and some radiation boils, to boot. I dunno, this one is a bit long, coming in over the two-hour mark. And there's some cool stuff like water turning to blood, and the sun getting super hot. But I think this one was the final in the series for a reason--the cool characters from the first two, and the first ten minutes of the third, are totally missing... Still, rumors persist that a fifth film is in the works! What they'd do after having ceased the series for twenty years, and after the popularization of the Left Behind series, would be very interesting to see. I personally hope that I will live to see the day we get another one. This is a unique and bizarre series that deserves a bit more attention--too bad MST3K never picked it up...
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