The Day After (1983 TV Movie)
Sometimes effective, sometimes boring
6 May 2000
First off, I just have to say that, I'm sorry, but I really don't think that the people who witnessed nuclear detonations first hand in this movie would have been alive afterwards to tell the tale. It's not like you can just say, "Oh, well, it's only a mushroom cloud..." and then get up and walk away from it. It's not happening, and I don't see why ABC thought this part of the plot would actually be believable.

Besides that, I enjoyed the scenes of panicked melee that ensued once the bombs were in the air and it was clear that Kansas was going bye-bye.

A lot of the movie is implausible, and about half of it is pretty dull, but as a cautionary tale against world nuclear war, it serves its purpose. The frightening fact of the matter is that if nuclear devices ARE ever detonated in civilian areas, it's going to be ten thousand times worse than the situations portrayed in this movie, and twenty thousand times worse than watching this movie.
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