El currante (1983)
An amusing Spanish comedy film
24 May 2004
Andres Pajares is a cool Spanish actor. He made couple with Fernando Esteso, they achieved much success in the 80s. The movies they played were funny and with many support's actors.

The films were with short budget and lackluster but with comedy and lots of fun .Those contain many nude girls, laughs and slapstick, being mostly directed by Mariano Ozores,like are ¨Los Bingueros,Los Liantes,Los Energeticos,La Lola lleva al Huerto..¨.

In this flick also there are humor and guffaw , here Fernando Esteso only plays a secondary acting ,however appear others Spanish comedian as Juanito Navarro, Rafael Alonso, Tomas Zori,Emiliano Redondo and Paco Camoiras.

After, Andres Pajares made serious cinema and he worked for Carlos Saura making : Goodby Carmela ,obtaining prize in Cannes and in many International Festivals.
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