If you hate it, then you are a Grinchy Scrooge!
2 December 2003
After reading the comments posted for this movie, a vast majority of people really love this movie. And the majority rules! For those that hate it, their hearts may be two sizes too small.

This movie is a classic due to its ability to hold through the test of time. It captures an innocence that is no longer portrayed in family Christmas movies (some dumb cluck listed that Die Hard is a Christmas movie, showing how rednecks regard the holiday joy).

For the ones who hate it, they mostly hate it because they don't know the point of the movie, showing that they won't allow their inner child to enjoy it. The movie stands out from other Christmas films, because it shows Christmas through the eyes of a child, rather that an adult character, a family struggle or third person. Granted, the narrator is the child grown up, and remembering that year in his life, but he remembers his thoughts about his struggle to achieve that one present that meant more to him than anything else. Think to when you were a child, and there was one Christmas that you wanted something more than anything else in the world, so much so that you bribed your parents, cleaned your room, wrote letters to Santa, hit up your grandparents, and any other angle that you could think of to get that gift! If you can remember that Christmas, and what that gift was, then that is why you would love this movie, because you can identify with Ralphie, and his quest, you can remember your own childhood longings at Christmas, and that will bring you into the movie, and bring the movie into your collection.

I give it a 12 out of 10! You should as well.
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