Battletruck (1982)
5 March 2001
I had to see if I could remember the name of this movie, and I'm perversely thrilled to find it. I haven't actually seen this film in years, but it became something of a benchmark that I measure all other crap movies I've ever seen against. When I was only about 14 I rented this movie with my best friend, when we had the brilliant notion that maybe all those movies we'd never heard of really were worth watching, so we picked one that seemed to have a cool cover. It was the most perfect piece of evidence that our theory was flawed in the extreme. Everything about this movie, from the acting, to the sets, to the effects, were laughably awful. The climax of the film was when the protagonist built what was supposed to be some sort of unstoppable war machine, but looked more like an errector set experiment gone horribly wrong, and nailed to a $50 junk-yard reject of a vehicle. Anyway, if you want an example of awful film making, rent this movie; otherwise, run far and fast towards the other side of the store.
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