Review of E.T.

E.T. (1982)
A sweet story of friendship and faith!
21 October 2002
Steven Spielberg has created a fairy tale for the 80s as a little boy

Elliot befriends a lovable alien creature from outer space in one of

the most loved movies ever made. Spielberg carefully recreates

what could be any boy's childhood fantasies and carefully weaves

them into a story about family in the suburbs trying to hold on

together after their dad leaves their mother and heads towards

Mexico. Dee Wallace is perfect as the depressed and yet loving

mother of three, a teen, a little boy (Elliot) played memorably by

Henry Thomas, and a little girl (a never more appealing Drew

Barrymore). E.T. (The Extra Terrestrial) is left stranded on earth

after his spaceship leaves him behind and he becomes a survivor

with the help of Elliot, whom begins to literally feel all of the alien's

emotions. Problem comes when government agents are on the

hot trail to capture E.T. and Elliot and his friends must help get E.T.

back to his home planet. Undeniably one of the best movies of the

80s with movie magic to spare. Spielberg's "feel good" happy

ending and idealized happy family after broken bonds is evident

here. Witness the powerfully told story of love, friendship, family,

and ultimate sacrifice. An originally comic and heart-warming

movie for all ages! 10/10
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