The paramount short film on sexism.
27 October 2003
The National Film Board of Canada (NFB)frequently wins international awards because it's main focus is on short features(30 minutes or less). This is one way to explain why this short film based on the short story by Alice Munro, is of such high quality. The cast includes Megan Follows from ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, Wayne Robson from THE RED GREEN SHOW and David Fox from "everything else". Follows is the star here in a film that neatly rolls up all the sex roles assigned to boys and girls in the last century and maybe since Adam and Eve. The symbolism from Munro's story is intact in this film yet the epiphany of her unnamed protagonist(called Margaret on the video)is completely reversed in the film version. A must for anyone studying Canadian literature and a recommended piece for anyone interested in gender roles in Western society.
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