How can I erase this film from my memory? (spoilers)
6 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
There are two main reasons why I want to erase this film from my memory. Firstly, some scenes in this movie make me laugh every time I think of them, and I can't stop laughing even when I'm in public places. This film is going to drive me insane. After I saw this film, that night I spent about half an hour thinking of it, and laughing. Secondly, it makes me feel guilty every time I laugh. How can I laugh when the subject matter of this movie is about the cruelest thing that ever happened.

While many scenes is this film are oddly and extremely funny, there are two special scenes that I can't get out of my mind. They are the scene when the doctor tries to give the exact prescription, and the scene when Barbara keeps doing that thing. I wonder how Herbert Achternbusch can create such a scene like this. The doctor's scene make me laugh and feel very guilty at the same time. And the Barbara's scene is the funniest scene in the funniest movie by the funniest director. Achternbusch is not only my most favorite German director, but also one of the funniest directors for me. His films make me laugh the most, and Das letzte Loch might be one of his greatest works. While every film of his is excellent and tremendously funny, this one is also hypnotically powerful in its visual style and its use of music. Jorg Schmidt-Reitwein's cinematography here is beautiful, meaningful, and disturbing at the same time. And the music is incredibly strange.

Like other films by Achternbusch, I never understand what happens in this film. But like other films of his, to laugh and enjoy it requires no understanding. Every sentence spoken in this film is absurdly funny. I can't stop laughing at the dialogue though I can't make any sense out of it. Maybe one day I might understand it more if I have a chance to learn German and see it for the second or third time. Seeing any of Achternbusch's films for only one time is never enough.

The last part of the film when the characters go to Italy is the most impressive part for me. It is full of ludicrous ideas, and I really like the way it makes fun of names. But it is not only very funny, but also powerful, hypnotic, and poignant. Powerful and hypnotic for what Last Susn does in this scene. Poignant for what Nil discovers under the sand. I guess Nil is what one calls a tragicomic character. He makes me feel painful and sad. What should he do? Where should he run to? Is there any way for him to escape from his guilt and memory? I can't answer that, and I doubt if anyone can.

If I could nominate this film for some awards, I would like to nominate it for best film, best director, best supporting actress (Annamirl Bierbichler) , best screenplay, and best soundtrack. As for now, I want to forget this film before it drives me insane and overwhelms me with guilt.
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