The movie that launched a thousand scripts.
9 August 2004
When I first saw this movie(12 yrs old in '82), It Impacted me deeply,

now call that sad if you want to, but this movie did have something. For me,it was the only war movie I had seen at that time that did'nt end up with the yanks overcoming great odds to achieve total victory. In fact it showed a desperate struggle to get the F**K out with your life,Yes,it was shot in some woods in England and it was low budget,with few actors,but it blew me away,it was raw and scary ,and memories of it have stayed with me until this day .Kids today would laugh at its cheap, low budget feel,but I can tell you,this film was the groundwork for all Vietnam movies that would follow. My verdict..

If you were there in the early 80's, it's good........If you were born in the late 80's forget it! Stick with Platoon!!!!!!!!!!
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