Utterly Forgettable
19 December 1999
The 1981 horror film THE FINAL TERROR looks as if it were written and produced immediately following the surprise box office success of 1980's FRIDAY THE 13TH. Much like FRIDAY THE 13TH, THE FINAL TERROR involves a group of particularly annoying young people who are stalked by a mysterious killer deep in the backwoods, where they have set up camp. However, this film has very little of the graphic gore that made FRIDAY THE 13TH so memorable, while at the same time the plot and direction are not any better.

While the acting isn't bad, it is far from inspired and there is very little chemistry between the characters. For example, some of the campers have British accents while others have Southern accents, while the film is supposed to take place in northern California! At the same time, the acting is competent enough to prevent the film from qualification as "horror cheese."

Other than some good atmospheric cinematography, the only reason to see this film is to see all of the future talent involved. Director Andrew Davis would later direct THE FUGITIVE with Harrison Ford, while cast members Daryl Hannah and Rachel Ward would go on to be Hollywood stars. Otherwise, horror fans and non-horror fans alike should skip this bore of a film.

*1/2 out of ****
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