Blood Beach (1980)
16 October 2001
This movie has an interesting story and you're not likely to predict what it is that is taking the lives of the characters in the film. The story takes place on a beach and when people begin to disappear it haves you wondering what it is. It will, however, keep you interested and the ending is not half bad either. To say that this is the best SCARY movie would be incorrect, however to say that it is the most unique is quite true. I really enjoyed this movie and I can honestly say that it had it's own unique style. See it if you haven't and if you can find it. It is a rare one and they don't make horror films like this anymore!!! This was a suspenseful film that caught me off guard on a few occasions and I hope I never have to experience that kind of terror. Released in 1980 to movie theatres and to video in 1982, this movie had a strange story, but a good story as well!!!
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