Jack Holborn (1982)
Rare gem
27 July 2004
They don't make children's series like this anymore and they might never again. It's a truly international production filmed on location in New Zealand and former Yugoslavia as a 5 hour movie split into 12 parts. There's a great plot with mystery, betrayal, mistaken identity, friendship and the odd bit of swashbuckling here and there. You see it all through the eyes of orphan Jack Holborn, nicely played by Patrick Bach as a kind-hearted boy who wins over everyone he meets with his honesty and bravery. It's not watered down like most kids series and despite the drawbacks of dubbing it still comes across as pretty real on the human level even 20 years on (recent French DVD release). The final moment never fails to bring a lump to my throat. Just terrific from start to finish.
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