great film if you like eye-candy and off-the-wall humor
8 January 2002
Many films have polarizing effects on the film audience. This is one of them. On the surface the plot is very simple: good man vs. evil system. As the plot takes shape the audience realizes that they are watching a movie that is jam-packed with terrific special effects and a wonderful combination of subtle and audacious humor (with its own off-the-wall style). Some people will tire easily of these, while others will wonder where this gem has been hiding.

This film contains much social commentary on Hollywood's film industry presented in a humorous manner. Despite the non-stop humor the audience can grasp the emotions flowing through Mike as he angrily contends with a horribly, self-loving producer; enthusiastically and sacrificingly seeks to create a film that will amaze and delight people; and sensitively tries to win the love of a young aspiring actress.

Those who enjoy the eye-candy will constantly wonder how Mike did all of those special effects, while those who know this answer will be amazed at his patience.

Overall the film is wonderfully cohesive. The small effects shorts serve as windows into Mike's imagination. The eye-candy shown during the story charms the mind instead of bewildering it (as psychedelic eye-candy often does). The off-the-wall humor and giddy music shows us how Mike's experiences in filmmaking are fun, wonderful adventures. The film shows Mike's internal struggles without appearing ridiculous. If you want to watch something different and good, watch this.
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