Make Me an Offer (1980 TV Movie)
A Feminist Tale of Sorts....
17 February 2004
Susan Blakely's character goes through a marvelous transformation after her husband, who she helped put through law school, leaves her for another woman. It's fun to watch her go from being a veterinarian's assistant to the hottest real estate broker in Beverly Hills. Tired of being everyone's patsy, she does something about it - so well, in fact, she runs the risk of going to the opposite extreme: turning into the sleazy types she always despised. She figures out how to strike a balance between work and play before she becomes a 'ruthless, love-starved woman'. She ends up with her former employer, who always loved her as she was. The movie reflects what was going on in the society at large with the 'new consciousness' and the feminist movement when women began to pursue careers. They would financially support their husbands or boyfriends only to have those men leave them for one silly reason or another. This romantic comedy states the case well without being too preachy or heavy-handed. Another 'winner' from the ABC television movie files.
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