An animated masterpiece
23 November 1998
Perhaps one of anime director Hayao Miyazaki's most underrated productions, "Rupan sansei Kariosutoro no shiro" is still, in my opinion, one of his best -- and one of my favorite anime of all-time. It's storytelling, high adventure, and slapstick comedy at it's best. And main character Lupin, (a.k.a. The Wolf in the English-language release) gentleman thief and part-time hero, is probably one of the most fully realized characters in anime.

The animation is beautiful, with a fluidity, complexity, and attention to detail that's uncommon even in contemporary titles (a Miyazaki trademark), despite being somewhat simplistic by today's standards. And the story is easily worthy of Hitchcock (albiet, by way of Jim Carrey!). Having seen both the subtitled and the dubbed versions of this film, I would strongly recommend either one to any fan of anime, animation, or film in general. (U.S. release title - The Castle of Cagliostro)
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