A Lifelong Classic
29 December 2003
I grew up watching this movie every year at Christmas, without fail, since my mother found it at a local independent video bar, and bought it for three dollars, and so I am probably more than a little biased. However, I think this is a really sincere and heartwarming movie. The color is a little extraneous at times, especially in the face of the original Sidney Poitier version, but I don't think it takes away much in the grand scheme of things. The story is simple, like the original, and the actors play it out just as simply (although "Question Lady" does have a little bit of indulging going on sometimes). Again, the Southwest U.S. setting makes for a visually beautiful film, and the multiracial cast enhances it. This movie might be seen as trite and insipid, but I think it's a classic that has never been fully appreciated for its value, sentimental and otherwise.
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