one of the most disturbing films i have ever seen
16 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** I never read the book, and being of a younger generation,I actually did not realize there was one. I saw this film late night last summer while I sat in bed, with the boyfriend passed out beside me. I think if he had been awake I probably would not have paid attention to the film, but being as it was.. I was in for one of the most disturbing late night movies of my life. The drugs and promiscuity were no surprise tome,I unfortunately see it all the time in my generation,but I was moved by her working with the children, and most impressed with the portrayal of the kids. Children DO sense when something has changed or isn't right. But the big shock for me was the ending. I didn't see that coming, especially not from Tom's character. I found it most upsetting, especially how she was actually moaning and getting into it as he was murdering her. To this day I am haunted by the fading image of her dead,surprised face flashing in a strobe effect. And I am scared to death.
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