Review of Grand Jury

Grand Jury (1976)
Typical 1970's movie plot, but good performances.
2 February 2004
I saw this movie on TV run as a late, late show in the mid-1980's. That being said, here's what I recall of the plot. A man and his wife witness a crime for which they are repeatedly subpoenaed and harrassed by the the legal system. My favorite line is when Bruce Davison's character is trying to calm his wife who is very agitated by the court system and fearful of the criminals who appear to have the upper hand. As they wait once again outside the courtroom, she near to hysterics, he teases her out of her mood and says playfully, "Wanna see my subpoena?" It made me laugh, and her, too. Just enough comic relief to contrast the surprising and fatal ending! The show carried enough suspense and aggravation to be effective, if not very uplifting.
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