Review of Shampoo

Shampoo (1975)
A completely boring, tedious, unfunny and unsexy movie.
30 August 2000
I rented this film and watched for the first time over the past three days. It took me that long simply because there is a limit to how much boredom I'm willing to endure at one sitting.

My first reaction after finishing was that the movie has no point at all. But on reflection, I've decided it has one (although feeble) ... namely, that Warren Beatty can appear to bed a large number of women, so long as he writes the script!

It is dumbfounding to me that this film is described as a comedy, and even more stupifying that it was included on the AFI 100 Funniest list. I genuinely did not laugh a single time during my (3 day) ordeal.

It is also amazing that I have seen the movie described as sexy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The "sex" portrayed is so mechanical that it's the opposite of a turn on.

I gave the film a "1" rating. Only because I didn't find "0" to be available.
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