16 April 2002
There are a chosen few movies that defy description and split people into two uncompromising factions: those who absolutely love them and those who hate them with equal passion. This is one of these pictures, and, consequently, I have no other choice than to give it ten out of ten. The profound impression it made on me was largely due, of course, to my first love (at the age of five): Frank-N-Furter. Ah... Tim Curry. As Richard O'Brien says, Tim IS Frank. And the show's main attraction. I still get goose-bumps every time I hear him sing "Sweet Transvestite". When he's on screen, the air crackles with energy - and sexuality. It may seem tame now, but back in 1975, this movie was shockingly explicit (and got the mandatory R rating in the States). In more than this aspect, it is one of the most daring productions ever made for the big screen, and maybe that's why it flopped the first time it was released. This piece of art is not meant for the masses: it is for an enlightened and select following...
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