Abduction (1975)
A terribly decent first film from Joseph Zito
27 August 2003
Not until after the credits rolled did I find out the interesting history behind this novel adaptation. The novel this movie was based on, Black Abductor, was published a year before the exact same thing happened with a girl by the name of Patty Hearst. In the book/film, Patricia Prescott (Judith-Marie Berigan) is kidnapped by political activists who believe with her they can get Mr. Prescott (Leif Erickson), a prominent politician, to reverse the opening of some high-rise apartments. The federal government supposedly allotted money to Mr. Prescott to build low-income housing, but he, being the corrupt republican, used the money to secure a business deal on some gaudy high-rent jobs. To the surprise of even the activists, Patricia falls in love with the ideals of the group and asks to join the cause. The print I watched looked terrible, and the volume was very inconsistent, but that aside I enjoyed the movie and felt it moved at a very appropriate pace. Some of the sex seemed gratuitous, but I'm guessing it's only because the original novel was intended as an adult sex novel. Zito went on to direct arguably the best of the crappy Friday the 13th series, 'The Final Chapter' (the fourth one I think), but it's not surprising that Hollywood trusted him after this solid beginning. Rating: 25/40
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