Interesting take on the werewolf genre.
22 June 2004
The Beast must Dies (1974) was an interesting version of the tired werewolf tale. Calvin Lockhart is the main character and for a change he's a wealthy black big game hunter who wants to catch his biggest prize to date, a werewolf. He brings several suspected individuals to his palacial complex and plays Ten Little Indians with the guests. They're an odd lot and anyone of them can be....The Werewolf!!! The movies also an interactive one because at the beginning of the feature, an off screen narrator asks if you can solve the mystery. The great Peter Cushing guest stars and brings some British Horror credibility to the film.

From those lovable people at Amicus. Whilst Hammer Films was in it's death throes as a film company, Amicus for a time picked up the slack. Several key members from the Hammer Studios left the company and eagerly worked for the rivals at Amicus. Famous for their omnibus tales of terror, they tried something different and the result was "The Beast Must Die". Not your typical film about werewolves but it's entertaining despite the low budgeted special effects and bad night time lighting. Other than that, it's a great film.



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