Really cosy movie at christmas time!
15 November 2002
In Norway one of the TV-channels sends this film om christmas eve every year, and for me and my family it has become a tradition to watch this movie.

I simply love the story, its the classic story of Cinderella, but with a new twist. Cinderella actually meets the prince in the woods and she disguises as a boy and then she have a shooting-competition with him. Then she runs away.

The prince does not want to get married, but his parents forces him to throw a ball where all single rich girls nearby are invited. As you might understand Cinderella don't get to go to the ball because she has to clean up a mess her mother have made. But some birds come to help her.

In this movie there is not a magic fairy, but three nuts that have gifts inside them when Cinderella opens them. I think this magic might have something to do with Cinderellas owl, that seems to understand Cinderella.

When the prince sees Cinderella he forgets everything he has said about marriage, and when Cinderella runs at midnight he runs after her, but all he captures is her shoe...the rest of the story I bet you know

If you want to see a really cosy movie at christmas time I really recomend it!
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