Surprisingly good 'Carry On' style farce.
5 May 2003
I wasn't expecting much from this film, but I was pretty surprised at the laughs it got from me. The film is quite dated in a 70's sex farce way, but that also works well in its favour for retro buffs and Carry On fans. The pace is a little plodding to begin with, but picks up well after 20 minutes and really carries a fast pace through to the end.

The plot (like it's important) centres around dodgy pornography being sent to a bank by accident with predictably hilarious consequences...

British viewers will also have fun spotting the large amount of well known names in the film (Ronnie Corbett, Arthur Lowe, David Swift, Frank Thornton, A bloke from On the Buses etc), who all put in good comedy turns. Plus, being a sex farce, you also get to see Valerie Leon and Margeret Nolan running round in their smalls. Bonus!

Definately one to watch with a beer on a bank holiday monday...

A good 7.
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