A beautiful film
29 March 2004
This is a wonderful film. My personal second best film of all time. ("Les Mepris" by Jean -Luc Goddard being the first.) La Maman et La Putain is beautiful in its evocation of the complicated emotions that arise in loving and / or sexual relationships. Jean Eustache is a man I would have liked to have had a chat with. He was an intelligent observer of l'etat humaine.No daftie. This film was made over thirty years ago but to me is contemporary in the manner in which it discusses the eternal themes of human interaction. The monolgue by the character Veronika is sheer brilliance..in acting and writing...this particular scene is cinema or drama at its best. Never seen anything to compete with it in the cinema yet. Thoroughly recommend this film. Three and a half hours. So?
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