Your Money or Your Wife (1972 TV Movie)
Fond memories...
25 July 2004
My grandfather, Joseph A. Williams, Jr., was a prop man on this film.

I was 11, and I remember the day he took me to one of the sets in Norwalk, CT. He schooled me in the responsibilities of a prop man, using the box full of identical mantel clocks as a demonstration of the importance of continuity. The script called for the clock to be broken, so spares were needed for extra takes, as well as shooting out of sequence. The important thing, however, was that all the clocks had to be set to the exact same time. To this day, continuity errors bug the heck outta me!

Many of the stars of this film have since passed away, as has my beloved grandfather.

I still have a copy of the shooting script which my grandfather gave to me, and today (21 Oct 2011), a kind person found me a copy of the movie. I'm watching it now for the first time in decades.

Thank you, Neighbor H...
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