Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...
17 March 2004
...and sometimes an excructiating cinematic experience is just an excruciating cinematic experience. The sets were jarring. There is no story. There is no character development. Beauty, of any type, is sparse. However, there is pain - and lots of it! Is that the mark of a great film - pain without reason, resolution, or purpose? I don't see how that is 'art'.

Where is the deep meaning? Or, is there meant to be anything more than pain, suffering, and death? Hopefully there is some great lesson here and I'm just too ignorant to have seen it; otherwise, all those people who hold this movie in high regard must have fallen prey to Art Student Pitfall Number 1: "If you don't like it, understand it, or think it skillful, but it is held in reverent awe by the art establishment, keep discussing it in late night bull sessions with your friends and you're bound to justify it to some vague degree eventually". Why take the time to try to rationalize something this void? Just call it what it is - a pretentious, painful bore - and spend your evening watching Citizen Kane for the tenth time. You're guaranteed to get something new with each viewing.

Honestly, if you want to watch Bergman, rent "The Seventh Seal". At least there is one great image in that film; and, the idea of playing chess with Death will keep you and your friends amused into the wee hours of the morning.

However, if you insist on watching it, do yourself a favor and heed my advice: take two Coen Bros, and call me in the morning.
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